For 6th...
Boys & girls from 6th, as you know, you have to do the quizzes for the English Day.
There are 10 quizzes. Each quizz has 10 questions, remember to look up the information in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. If you have problems with the vocabulary, use the dictionary.
The quizzes are about different festivities:
* Halloween
*Bonfire Night
* Carnival
* Christmas
* Thanksgiving
* St. Valentine's Day
* St. Patrick's Day
* Easter
* April fools' day
* Independence Day
- Click on ENGLISH DAY 2012
- Write your username and password
- Choose a quizz
You can also find the link on your right.
Let's start and remember...
and... if YOU win, EVERYBODY wins!!!!

English Day!!
ResponEliminavery funny