26 de febr. 2012

Sharing to learn!!

On Wednesday, 8th February Alicia Aguilar, who is in charge of the project Sharing to Learn from Departament d'Ensenyament, visited us. She enjoyed with children and the sessions that 1st and 3rd form carried out.


Here you are the link of the "Sharing to learn" blog. You can find PICTURES of this experience. You can also find some activities, stories, games, and so on. 

11 de febr. 2012

Let's know more about BARCELONA!!!!

As you know, the school has already started the project:  

During this month, YOU, boys and girls from Montserrat School, are going to learn a lot about this beautiful city. 

So... to start with, watch this video, listen to the music and PAY ATTENTION!!

Please, write a word or a short sentence to define BARCELONA. You can use the words that appear in the video.
Don't forget to write your name!

7 de febr. 2012

English Day - QUIZZES!!!

For 6th...
Boys & girls from 6th, as you know, you have to do the quizzes for the English Day. 
There are 10 quizzes. Each quizz has 10 questions, remember to look up the information in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. If you have problems with the vocabulary, use the dictionary.

The quizzes are about different festivities: 

* Halloween 
*Bonfire Night
* Carnival
* Christmas
* Thanksgiving
* St. Valentine's Day
* St. Patrick's Day
* Easter
* April fools' day
* Independence Day

- Click on ENGLISH DAY 2012
- Write your username and password
- Choose a quizz

You can also find the link on your right. 

Let's start and remember...

and... if YOU win, EVERYBODY wins!!!!